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Don’t let a bad experience ruin a good thing.


Although highly disappointing, the below is a familiar and predictable statement we hear from homeowners:


“It cost an arm and a leg, never works, and when I do attempt to use it I’m forever on the phone to the installer!”

Understandably , people can arrive at this point after forking out thousands on home technology only to be let down by –

  • Blank TV screens
  • Buffering audio
  • Complicated controls

And of course always when you have friends and family over to entertain.

But, (and this is a big ‘but’) this is not the case when you work with Lighthouse, or any other professional CEDIA approved installers. Why?

Here are five reasons:

  1. Each of our home systems is a bespoke design suited to your level of technical literacy. Fundamental to our offering is ensuring our clients understand how to use their system. 
  2. Every product that we install is reliable. The technology we use is high-quality and dependable, and our quotes reflect this.
  3. We love our clients and their homes, but we don’t live there. We aim to get the installation right, first time, to avoid unnecessary callbacks.
  4. We are honest and open. From price to performance and combinations of equipment, there is such a range. From the get-go, we ensure realistic expectations. 
  5. Ultimately, our help and support. Naturally, technology does need a helping hand from time to time. Care packages guarantee systems are monitored actively with remote troubleshooting and annual maintenance.

So, our advice?


Please speak to a CEDIA approved professional who will share customer testimonials, case studies, and even take you to a showroom to experience it all first hand.

Don’t let a bad experience mean you miss out on stellar audio, stunning lighting and simple to use experiences in your private space

*CEDIA is the international home technology trade association for companies that serve any aspect of the progressive technology market. Learn more by visiting there website here

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