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Just what is a ‘Smart Home’ and how can it enhance my lifestyle?


The term ‘Smart Home’ is often heard advertising new home technologies such as voice-activated speakers, doorbells and intelligent light bulbs but all too regularly these are single-room solutions, temporary gimmicks and not beneficial to your everyday at-home.

A truly Smart Home is a mixture of reliable products that work seamlessly together to make your home feel like it is working with you; involving minimal hands-on interaction yet when you do the controls are simple and intuitive.

So what does that look like? Well, imagine walking through the front door and at the touch of a single button the lights turn on throughout the main living areas, the temperature of the rooms is set and your ceiling speakers start to play your favourite radio station. As you move from room to room lights can automatically turn on or even off if the room is left unoccupied for a period of time. Intuitive on-wall touchscreens allow you to lower the blinds and turn on the TV or you may wish to control everything from an app. Automation is a key part of the seamless experience which is why routine tasks don’t involve any human interaction – external lights turning on at dusk then off at dawn, irrigation systems operating based on humidity.

The possibilities truly are endless which is why it is essential that these systems are built with your lifestyle in mind. Lighthouse pride itself on our individual, thoughtful approach to each new project. We sympathize that each person and family is different which is why we take the time to understand your needs and find a solution that is suitable for you.

If you are considering how to make your home a more comfortable and entertaining place to be then please get in touch today for some friendly and honest advice.

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